Friday, Sept. 6, 2013
>> wodkillas.
We don’t get to say it enough: Each of you are pretty impressive. I marveled at Juli’s power clean and jerks Wednesday, thinking about how her form gets better and better and how she uses some pretty heavy weights. Other standouts from that day included Lauren, who nailed 20 dead-hang pull-ups, and Trae, our student athlete, who got 19. You folks don’t disappoint! Keep up all the hard work. We’re proud of you.
090613 WOD
A. Three rounds NFT
10 supine rows
20 reverse lunges (10/side)
30 double-unders
B. EMOM 8:00
2 x clean high pull / 1 x power clean / 1 x front squat
C. AMRAP in 10:00
6 deadlifts (bodyweight)
9 toes-to-bar
12 box jumps (24/20)
One of our favorite families — Krystle, daughter Kamele, and Chris — will celebrate Krystle’s birthday today. The hot mom and former Baldwin High cheerleader started with us last fall — she’s quickly progressed as an amazing CrossFit athlete and a standout lifter. Krystle has uncanny flexibility and speed under the bar — watch her snatches and cleans to see what a real squat should look like. More than her physical ability, she is a great mom, who models true strength for her daughter, Kamele. Together with Chris, a rad athlete in his own right, the group is among our CFUM consistencies. We wouldn’t be the same without this family, our family, and we’re thankful to have the trio at our box! Have a great birthday, Krys! Let yourself have some cookie butter for crying out loud . . .