Monday, Sept. 23, 2013


The CrossFit Gymnastics Certification was a weekend packed with holds, ring work, handstands, muscle-ups, front and back levers, archers, dips, pull-ups and more. Special thanks to Jessica Gray and Nicole Zapoli who led the cert in Jeff Tucker’s absence, and mahalo to all the local and Neighbor Island coaches and owners who traveled to our humble home.  We know that the facility doesn’t make a seminar, but rather the community creates its success. Mahalo to everyone who attended — it’s because of you that the event was a blast! We will post a full review later today (Monday).

092313 WOD

A. In 5:00 with teams of two:

Partner 1 – 20 box jumps (any height; no step-ups)

Partner 2 -AMRAP

6 parallette shoot-throughs

12 air squats

Switching; start where your partner leaves off.

B. Back squats

3 x 5

Add 10# to last time; if you missed, don’t increase

C. Five rounds for time:

6 OHS (115/75)

9 T2B

30 DUs