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>> hard core. literally.

The CrossFit Gymnastics Certification course, led by Jessica Gray and Nicole Zapoli, rocked CFUM with more than 20 participants from around Hawaii and the Mainland. The specialty class focused on integrity in movement during gymnastics positions such as the iron cross, muscle-ups, hollow body holds, dips, pull-ups, handstands and more. Gymnastics requires a mastery of body awareness and control; gymnasts are regarded as some of the world’s strongest athletes, pound-for-pound. We welcomed CrossFit box owners, coaches and participants from locations including Seattle, Kauai, Wailuku, Kihei and Lahaina. And the course was highlighted by the strong camaraderie during daylong workshops.

Special thanks to Jessica and Nicole, who took the place of CFG founder Jeff Tucker during a family emergency. The instructors demonstrated a superb knowledge of the sport.

Also, mahalo to our new friends who attended the course from Neighbor Islands and Maui areas. We’re stoked to have met you and excited to see your knowledge make a difference in people’s lives.

Congratulations to our new CFG-certified coaches Frank and Josh, as well as to our CFUM athlete Sasha, who completed the course. Sasha deserves a special shoutout for her bravery and persistence when it comes to CrossFit. She finished the rigorous course with flying colors, and her performance in the box will undoubtedly benefit from her course training.

Great work to all newly certified participants — your core is stronger because of the CFG course!