Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2013


Our strong CrossFit Gymnastics Certification Course instructor Nicole Zapoli rocks a CFUM tank and hat at her box, Dynamis CrossFit, in Carlsbad, Calif. The new tanks, tees and trucker hats are guaranteed to help you lift more and run faster. Ah, if only it were that easy . . .

092513 WOD

A. In 6:00 with teams depending on class size

ME row

Switching every minute. Nonrowers must hold plank; if plank drops, rowing must stop.

B. Press

3 x 5

Add 5# to last time; if you missed, do not increase.

C. AMRAP in 10:00

2 shoulder-to-overhead (135/95)

2 deadlifts (at same weight)

4 S2OH

4 DLs

6 S2OH

6 DLs

8 S2OH

8 DLs

. . . Between each round, complete 15-yard shuttle run. Increase 2 reps with each round until time expires. Score is last completed round, plus extra reps.

>> On-Ramp

In 7:00

2 push press (AHAP)

2 deadlifts

4 push press

4 deadlifts

. . . Between each round, complete 15-yard shuttle run. Increase 2 reps with each round until time expires. Score is last completed round, plus extra reps.