Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2013
There’s nothing like snatching off into the sunset . . . (Thanks for putting up with the paparazzi, Keaka. This photo wasn’t his idea.).
111913 WOD
A. 4:00 Tabata
Alternating double-unders
Windshield wipers
B. Skill – push-ups
You think you know, but you don’t. We learned a lot about deconstructing this basic movement at the Movement & Mobility Certification. Get ready to get schooled.
1. Work on technique / torque
2. 3 x 10 with perfect form
C. Five rounds for time: *
20 lunges (10/leg) with bumper plate overhead (25/45)
20 burpees
* Compare to 041312
>> On-Ramp
Three rounds for time:
20 walking lunges (10/side)
20 burpees