Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2013


>> you rocked that row.

Congrats to Koa who smashed the gym records board with a 1:24.7 500-meter row! Leimomi took the leaderboard for the women with a shocking 1:42. We’re super proud of all of you. Many clocked below 1:50 for females and 1:40 for males. You folks are freaking fast!

112713 WOD

A. In 5:00 with teams of two:

Partner 1) Run 100 meters

Partner 2) ME supine rows

Pick up where your partner leaves off; log top scores for each class

B. Press: Wendler week 4, month 2 [ DELOAD ]

40% x 5

50% x 5

60% x 5

C. AMRAP in 9:00

6 ground to overhead

12 reverse lunges

24 double-unders

Score is rounds and reps. No RX weights will be given due to deload week.

>> On-Ramp

AMRAP in 9:00

6 hang power clean and push press (dumbbell or barbell)

12 reverse lunges

48 single-unders