Friday, Dec. 6, 2013


120613 WOD

A. In 5:00 with up to four teams

Rower – ME distance

Nonrowers – front plank hold

Switching at minute mark; if plank drops, rowing must stop; team with farthest distance when time expires will be forever praised (or will just be written on the main whiteboard for comparison against Friday classes)

B. Deadlift – Wendler week 1; month 3 [ ADD 10# TO WW ]

65% x 5

75% x 5

85% x 5+

Five cobras between working sets

C. In 3:00

Run 200 meters

10 thrusters (135/95)

Round 1: ME double-unders

Round 2: ME HR push-ups

Round 3: ME sit-ups

Rest 1:00 between rounds; score is total reps