Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2014
Welcome Kahone’s dad, Nigel, who’s a longtime paddler and super active due to his trade. We’re stoked to have family members work out with one another: It doesn’t get much more inspiring than that!
022614 WOD
A. Three rounds NFT
100-meter run
10 KB oblique side bends (5/side)
10 hollow rocks
10 reverse lunges (5/side)
B. Press
4 x 5
Work to a heavy set of five reps, then do three sets of five at that weight for four total sets.
Subset with 3 x 7 chin-ups
C. AMRAP in 3:00
5 strict HSPUs (no kipping)
10 power cleans (115/75)
15 air squats
Three rounds, resting 1:00 between each. Score is rounds and reps.
>> On-Ramp
AMRAP in 3:00
5 modified HSPUs
10 hang power cleans with dumbbells or light barbell
15 air squats
Three rounds, resting 1:00 between each.