Saturday, March 1, 2014
We had a whole crew watching our 14.1 star at 10 a.m. Friday. To everyone participating in the Open, keep up the great work! If you are planning on retesting or testing, we will have judges at 8 a.m. open gym tomorrow and during Monday classes. If you need to come at a different time, please touch base with Frank at 808 280 5623.
030114 WOD
A. Group warmup
B. Stretch
C. 1:00 ME at each station
• Rowing (for calories)
• Russian KB swings (53/35)
• Wall balls (20/14)
• Burpees
• Sit-ups
Three rounds, resting 1:00 between each. Score is total reps.
Welcome Kit and Karla’s beautiful daughter, who was born Feb. 28 (the best birthday)! She arrived at 12:41 p.m., weighing 6 pounds, 11 ounces and measuring 19 inches. Kit says that he and Karla haven’t picked a name yet, but they’re leaning toward Kinsley Kei Okazaki. Congratulations to the well-loved couple and their growing ohana. We love the newest Okazaki already!