Friday, March 7, 2014
030714 WOD
A. 5:00 with teams of two:
1) 100-meter run + 20 double-unders
2) ME v-ups
Switching; pick up where your partner leaves off
B. Deadlift
60% x 5
70% x 5
80% x 5
C. CrossFit Games Open Workout 14.2
From 0:00-3:00
2 rounds of:
10 overhead squats (95/65)
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 3:00-6:00
2 rounds of:
12 overhead squats
12 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 6:00-9:00
2 rounds of:
14 overhead squats
14 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Etc., following same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds
>> On-Ramp
From 0:00-3:00
2 rounds of:
10 overhead squats / front squats / air squats
10 pull-ups / ring rows
And so on, following rep scheme above