Peggy on 14.1
Brett on 14.2
Anders on 14.3
Matt on 14.4
Liane and Nate on 14.5
>> the close of the open.
The results are in, and the 2014 CF Games Open season has come to a close. We had about two dozen participants, ranging in age from early 20s to 60-plus. About a half of our entrants were first timers to the Open; some are brand-new to CrossFit. What you folks accomplished the last five weeks is nothing short of incredible. I liken it to signing up for a marathon, not to win it, but to complete the daunting task. The fact that each of you made the commitment to show up and do work week after week says a lot about your dedication. For those of you who didn’t sign up, but who came to Friday WODs and cheered, counted, coached, supported and sweated alongside your teammates, we thank you. Our community is stronger — mentally and physically — because of each of you involved in the Open.
Here are some of the highlights:
• Peggy had never completed a double-under. She did 30 of them for 14.1 — a huge PR. She also smashed 14.5, which was a grueling 20-minute-plus WOD for some.
• John, who’s new to our box but not to CrossFit and coaching, consistently showed phenomenal form, endurance and strength on the workouts. He ranked well throughout.
• Anders smoked 14.3 and beat many in the 5:45 a.m. class that day; he also kept a crazy pace on the burpees in 14.5.
• Chris, Aiko and Tom signed up under peer pressure or sheer ignorance. All newer to CrossFit, they inspired us by PRing overhead squats, pull-ups and more. We are amazed at your work the last few weeks. Your progress will be that much greater because you accomplished the open.
• Tiare blazed through 14.4 even though she was sick. After only a short time of serious training, she’s the real deal, and her drive matches her talent. Proud of all your work, T. The best is yet to come.
• Keoni, Matt and Kaika. Our favorite trio smashed the workouts week after week. Kaika pulled off an impressive 14.5. And more than specific scores, these three push each other to be strong mentally and physically. They perform amazingly well in open workouts and beyond, showing up each day to give it their all. We’re thankful to have them raising the bar.
• Brett repeatedly ranked well week after week, despite coming off a hip injury. This guy is no joke, and he’s super humble about his skills.
• Elena is one of my best friends. I am super proud of her for putting herself through these workouts, hungover and all. She made it to the other side, that much stronger.
• Kahone, Ryan, Zack, Jacob and Jason: Thanks for giving it all you have, despite your crazy work schedules that demand a lot of energy. You guys always work hard — in and out of the gym.
• Eric showed amazing heart in the final workout. Each week, he tackled the WODs with strength and stamina, increasing the capacity of his own training.
• Liane and Nate, new to our box from CrossFit HI Impact on Kauai, made me want to cry during the final WOD. The husband and wife team cheered and coached each other through the grueling workout, all while keeping a watchful eye on their young daughters. What an inspiring and fit couple, who set a great example for their kids.
The results are in: Andrea, our resident superhero, is off to a great start. She is ranked the top female athlete OVERALL (all age groups) on Maui; 6th WORLDWIDE in her 45-49 age division; and 8th female OVERALL in Hawaii. Her videotaped weekly performances, sometimes judged by multiple coaches, were nothing short of superhuman. Weekly, people gathered just to watch what she could pull off. She’s been training hard for the last year, tackling her goats and staying grounded and focused, and her efforts are paying off. We couldn’t be more proud of her — not just for her great scores, but for all the unseen days and background work and full ROM movements and painstaking coaching critiques. Most of all, Andrea is an athlete who rallies her community, because she stays kind, humble and encouraging. We are all so proud to call you our superstar, Andrea! Up next: Regionals!
Congratulations as well to Al of Raw Fitness Maui, who also trains at Maui CrossFit Extreme, and Melissa of Maui CrossFit Extreme, who qualified for Regionals in their age divisions. Go Maui!