Wednesday, April 23, 2014

photo 2(12)

042314 WOD

A. Tabata 4:00

Alternating jumping jacks

Hollow rocks

B. Pull / push

3 x ME supine rows

Subset with 3 x ME true push-ups (true push-ups are hands and feet on parallettes)

Take 90 seconds rest between each set. Keep hollow in rows and push-ups!

C. AMRAP 9:00

3 alternating lunges with barbell in front rack position (95/65) (each step is one rep)

3 pull-ups

3 burpees

6 lunges

6 pull-ups

6 burpees

9 lunges

9 pull-ups

9 burpees

12, 15, 18 . . . And so on, increasing three reps with each round. Score is LAST COMPLETED ROUND, plus additional reps. If I am on round 12, and I finish the lunges and pull-ups, my score is 9 + 24.

>> On-Ramp

AMRAP 9:00

3 alternating leg lunges (each step is one rep)

3 ring rows

3 burpees

6 lunges

6 pull-ups

6 burpees

9 lunges

9 pull-ups

9 burpees

12, 15, 18 . . . Same scoring system as above.