Friday, April 25, 2014


Which one is hollow — which one is broken? Getting into a hollow body position is key for your gymnastics/bodyweight movements. The result is greater midline stability and strength, which have massive carryover. Keep working at practicing perfect form — you won’t regret the attention to detail.

042514 WOD

A. Three rounds NFT

10 calorie row

10 burpee wall balls

10 med ball sit-ups

B. Good mornings

3 x 10

Subset with evil wheels

3 x 10

C. AMRAP 5:00

5 power clean and jerks (155/105)

7 burpees

9 v-ups

Rest 2:30

AMRAP 5:00

10 wall balls (20/14) to 10′ target

15 American kettlebell swings (53/35)

20 double-unders

Score is rounds and reps. Each AMRAP scored separately.

>> On-Ramp

AMRAP 5:00

5 power clean and jerk AHAP

7 burpees

9 sit-ups

Rest 2:30

AMRAP 5:00

10 WB / DB thrusters / air squats

15 Russian kettlebell swings

20 double-under attempts / 40 single-unders

Score is rounds and reps. Each AMRAP scored separately.