Wednesday, April 30, 2014


One of these 4:30 p.m.-ers is not like the others . . .

043014 WOD

A. Three rounds NFT

10-calorie row

20-second L-sit hold / tuck hold on parallettes

30 double-unders

B. Strict press

Warm up and increase to find your three-rep max for the day; then

– 10% 1 x max reps

– 20% 1 x max reps

Subset with 3 x 10 ball slams AHAP (include this in your press workout at any time — but don’t do the slam sets consecutively)

C. AMRAP 10:00

5 strict HSPU

10 Russian kettlebell swings (53/35)

15 box jumps (24/20) (jumping with step down only — no step-ups allowed)

Score is rounds and reps

>> On-Ramp

AMRAP 8:00

5 modified HSPU / DB strict presses

10 Russian kettlebell swings AHAP

15 box jumps

Score is rounds and reps



Congrats to Brett who PRd his snatch at 200 lbs on Tuesday. This guy just started with us and he has tons more in the tank. Also, we’ve been seeing sick lifting increases from many of you recently, including Keoni, Matt, Kaika, Patti, Tiare and others. Congratulations, Upcountry! It’s PR city in this place. (Must be the new lifting side, or all the new oly shoes, or Toby’s new class, or the new sparrows, or the new leaks, or the combination of all of these things that make us proud to be country. We love our community!)