Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2014
091014 WOD
A. 5:00 with teams of two:
Partner 1: 60 double-unders / 100 singles
Partner 2: AMRAP
3 handstand wall walks
6 v-ups
9 jumping jacks
B. Press – TESTING
Take 20- 25 minutes to find your 1RM
1. Warm up to the last weight you used for five reps
2. Increase by 10-5# for three reps
3. Increase by 10#/5#/ or microplates (women should stay conservative with increases) for 1 rep until failure
4. There are NO spotters on shoulder pressing. You should be able to control weight back to shoulder rack. If need be, you can ditch the bar, but make sure you have enough room.
It’s important that you record a load for your press, as we will be using it in our next strength cycle, which begins in two weeks. If you haven’t been consistent, you can still find a press max, which does not tax your CNS in the same way as the squat and deadlift.
C. EMOM 12:00 – NFS
Minute 1: 20 jumping lunges with barbell in back rack position (45/35)
Minute 2: 15 thrusters with same weight
Minute 3: 10 pull-ups
>> On-Ramp
Minute 1: 20 jumping lunges with no weight / 20 lunges
Minute 2: 15 dumbbell thrusters AHAP / 15 air squats
Minute 3: 10 ring rows