Tuesday, Sept. 16, 2014
Melissa puts her climbing skills to good use: This feat helped secure the fan-favorite Spirit Award win for the Mutha Cluckers. I wish you could’ve seen the crowd go nuts. This moment was chicken skin.
Mutha Cluckers: First place in female masters division; third place overall for all-female teams; plus a second medal for the Spirit Award.
This chicken head charged all the way to Hana — and back. We noticed it in the parking lot Monday at 9 a.m.’s class.
The beautiful ladies of CFUM’s Mutha Cluckers.
The mother hen who handles it all — from costumes, to planning, to runners and more. You are one amazing chick, Sheila, and we don’t know what we would do without you.
>> inspiring, original cfum chicks.
This Hana Relay post is dedicated to the chicks who started it all. Yes, the Mutha Cluckers came home with their second master’s female team win in three years, along with a coveted Spirit Award prize. But beyond that, many might not know how far their roots go.
These ladies were at the start of different phases of CrossFit Upcountry.
In the beginning, there was Sheila, Andrea and I, doing circuit training movements that Coach Kaye said was this new thing called CrossFit. Soon, we started doing track workouts, and along came Lisa. Flash forward a couple years, and Christy and Melissa joined CFUM. Then Leah was our beloved first new member as official CFUM owners in April 2012. All six of these ladies have a special place in our hearts — not just for their dedication over the years, but for the caliber of their character and for their inner and outer beauty and strength.
When Frank and I took the reins of CFUM, I remember being in awe of these women. They were (and remain) my inspiration — my reason to coach and to train at the best of my ability. I was always chasing them on workouts — literally, since they’re so dang fast — and it forged a deep appreciation for how much they were able to achieve on a daily basis. In their training. Their families. Their work. Their lives.
The 2014 women’s team members represent some of our CFUM masters — the teachers who show us that nothing is impossible, and that true beauty is refined through the trials of hardship, yielding humility and grace.
So, thank you, Andrea, Sheila, Lisa, Leah, Melissa and Christy — you’ve set a strong and steady pace for our community, and you continue to amaze us with all that you do.
Here’s to another great year in the bok boks — I mean, books! Go Mutha Cluckers!
091614 WOD
A. 5:00 with teams of two:
1) 100-meter farmers carry AHAP + 25 double-unders
2) Plank hold any style
B. EMOM 10:00
1 x tall snatch
1 x drop snatch
1 x snatch balance
C. AMRAP 5:00
50-meter run
5 strict pull-ups
10 Russian kettlebell swings (53/35)
15 consecutive double-unders *
Rest 2:30
AMRAP 5:00
50-meter run
5 knees-to-elbows
10 pistols (5/side)
15 consecutive double-unders *
* Every time you miss, do one burpee
>> On-Ramp
AMRAP 5:00
50-meter run
5 ring rows
10 Russian kettlebell swings
30 single-unders
Rest 2:30
AMRAP 5:00
50-meter run
5 tucks
10 air squats
30 single-unders