Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2014
All the hammahs were home for maxing out Monday. We had some exciting front squat PRs coming from every class. Keep up the hard work during these testing weeks. We have a couple more days to go before we start on the new strength cycle. Get ready for a heavy dose of that #upcountrystrong.
091714 WOD
A. Three rounds NFT
200-meter run or 250-meter row
20 jumping jacks
10 kips
B. Bench press – TESTING
Take 15-20 minutes to find your 1RM. Warm up to the last weight used, then increase 5-10# for 1 rep. Take at least 1:30 rest between heavy sets. Use a spotter and record your weight.
C. 12:00 EMOM – NFS
Minute 1: 3 ring muscle-ups
Minute 2: 6 ground to overhead (135/95)
Minute 3: 9 burpees
* Substitution for MUs are bar muscle-ups; assisted bar MUs; or 3 chest-to-bar pull-ups and 3 dips per round.
>> On-Ramp
12:00 EMOM – NFS
Minute 1: 3 chest-to-bar pull-ups / 3 dips
Minute 2: 6 dumbbell hang cleans to push press
Minute 3: 9 burpees