Tuesday, Jan. 6, 2015

photo(812)This guy is 100 percent countrystrong. Keep up the good work, Kahone!

010615 WOD

A. Three rounds NFT

250-meter row (or 100-meter run)

10 push-ups

25 consecutive double-unders

B. EMOM 7:00

Three unbroken touch-and-go power clean and push jerks

Load at approximately 60% of your 1RM clean and jerk

C. 5:00 AMRAP

100-meter run

10 power snatches (95/65) (work on barbell cycling)

10 toes to bar

Rest 2:30

5:00 AMRAP

100-meter run

10 power cleans (95/65) (work on barbell cycling)

10 burpees over barbell

>> On-Ramp

Modifications will be posted on whiteboard