Monday, March 9, 2015


>> fun: integral to your fitness

Our friends Heather and Brett seem to be sending us a friendly reminder to have fun during your training!

Yes, CrossFit is awesome. And intense. And exciting. But, we are all just exercising. About 90 percent of us, myself included, started doing CrossFit to get in shape. And with the Open season upon us, especially for those of you committed to doing the five-week challenge, it can get discouraging if you see movements come up that are hard to do, or if you don’t get the numbers/scores you’d like to hit.

However, the workouts don’t define you. You are not the sum of 15.2. Or 15.1. Or any point anything. You manage to balance work, exercise, home, relationships and more. Give yourself credit for showing up to daily workouts and giving it your all.

We know each of you who committed to the CrossFit Open will be stronger and more mentally tough with each workout you endure. Your effort — not your score — inspires us. Keep it up! And have some fun while you’re exercising!

Please remember to log your 15.2 scores by NOON TODAY.

030915 WOD

A. 6:00 EMOM

Min 1: 200/150-meter row

Min 2: 15 air squats

Min 3: 0:20 L-sit hold or 0:30 L-sit tuck

B. Back squat

Every 2:00 for 10:00

Set 1: 6 reps at 60%

Set 2: 4 reps at 70%

Set 3: 2 reps at 80%

Set 4: 2 reps at 85%

Set 5: 1 rep at 90%

Followed by:

ME back squat at 80%

C. Four rounds of the following, with one minute rest between rounds:

10 thrusters (105/70)

15 burpees over barbell

Score is total time

>> On-Ramp

Four rounds of the following, with one minute rest between rounds:

10 dumbbell thrusters

10 burpees

Score is total time