Wednesday, April 1, 2015

photo(887)Oh you know, just hanging out with Chris L.’s rare Tibetan sheep dogs, Lulu and Finn, during open gym. No big deal.

040115 WOD

A. EMOM 9:00

Minute 1: 10 box jumps

Minute 2: 10-calorie row

Minute 3: 10 arch to hollow (kips) off rings or bar

B1. Every 90 seconds for 10:00

1 x push press + 1 x split jerk

Build to a heavy set of two reps

C. For time:


Power snatch (125/85)


>> On-Ramp


Hang power snatch

V-ups / leg raises / sit-ups






IMG_1486April marks three years with Frank and I at the helm of CrossFit Upcountry. And, wow, look at how far we’ve all come. We are so grateful for our originals, those of you who have stuck with us from the start, back when we lined up in the center of the room so the barbells wouldn’t roll and we had two working rowers. Country has always been strong — no matter what the circumstances. Challenges only bring out the best in us. Mahalo for your dedication to your fitness, to us and to a belief that we are healthier together, cheering one another along. Here’s to all the personal records and fun memories to come!