Saturday, April 4, 2015
Brett PRd his snatch, not once, but three times on Friday, for a 15-pound increase on his lift. It’s amazing what teamwork can do. Here’s the back story. Chris C. encouraged Frank to snatch on Wednesday. Chris tied his PR. Frank PRd. Then Frank encouraged Brett on Friday. And the rest is history. Moral of the story: Believe in yourself and others. Really cool things start to happen. Who can you motivate today?
Special shoutout to Coach Vernon at Patao Strength and Conditioning for believing in me during a last-minute lifting session today at his gym in Wailuku. I didn’t PR. And I didn’t need to. I used very light weights and worked technique under his keen eye. My goal today was to keep a positive outlook, encourage those around me (starting with myself) and have fun during the journey. With Vernon leading by example, those unseen goals were easily accomplished. Here’s a cool competition: Try to out-serve, out-give, out-encourage someone today. When you build others up, you are training the most important muscle you have: your heart. And a healthy heart and positive attitude will take you farther than athletic performance ever will. To all the positive people out there, who train their minds as well as their bodies, we salute you! Keep up the good work.
It’s like “Inception.” A secret photographer taking pictures of these photographers, who are taking pictures of Brett. So many layers. So deep.
040415 WOD
A1. With a running clock
0:00-3:00: 400-meter run / On-Ramp: 300 meters
3:00-5:00: 200-meter run / On-Ramp: 100 meters
5:00-6:00: 100-meter run / On-Ramp: 50 meters
A2. Partner banded sprints
4 each x 50 meters (switch after each 50)
B. In 2:30
Run 200 meters
30 consecutive double-unders
ME strict sit-ups
Four rounds, resting 1:00 between rounds. Record sit-ups.
>> On-Ramp
Modifications will be posted on whiteboard.
C. Mobility
1. Calf smash 2:00 / side per partner
2. Quad smash 1:00 / side per partner