Thursday, April 9, 2015

photo(893)We are awesome at taking promotional photos. These pictures, featuring four (guess who?) of the nine CrossFit Upcountry athletes who did the Gre3n Energy burpee challenge to win a free case of energy drinks, came out slightly blurry. I think the real message that comes across is: Your training should be fun. Keep it simple. Keep it silly. We love CrossFit Upcountry!

If you are among the burpee challenge winners, please come by to grab your case of drinks. We will also need a blurry jumping photo of you to add to our collection.

040915 WOD

A. 4:00 Tabata


Strict toes-to-bar / leg raises

B. EMOM 21:00

Minute 1: Run 100 meters + 5/4 pull-ups

Minute 2: 10 box jump-overs (20/14)

Minute 3: 15 Russian kettlebell swings (53/35)

>> On-Ramp

Modifications will be posted on whiteboard

C. Mobility

1. Banded hip opener

2:00 / side

2. Trap smash with barbell

2:00 / side