Friday, April 17, 2015
Cody and son has to be one of the most adorable duos at the gym.
041715 WOD
A. 9:00 EMOM
Min 1: 10 box jumps (aim to avoid step-ups unless you have a leg issues that prevent the movement)
Min 2: 150-meter row
Min 3: 20 walking lunges
B. Barbell hip bridges
Build to a challenging set of 12, then 3 x 12 at that weight
C. For time:
20-calorie row
20 alternating lunges with barbell overhead (95/65)
20 pull-ups
20 v-ups
20 wall balls (24/20)
20 double-unders
* Every time you cannot do a movement unbroken for 20 reps, do 5 burpees.
>> On-Ramp
For time:
20-calorie row
20 unweighted alternating lunges
20 ring rows
20 sit-ups
20 air squats
20 mountain climbers
* Every time you cannot do a movement unbroken for 20 reps, do 5 burpees.