Monday, April 24, 2017
Come cheer on Ron today at 7 a.m. as he completes his final workout of the 2017 CF Games Open Masters 60+ Qualifier. Awesome work, Ron! We are so proud of you.
042417 WOD
A. Group warmup
Coach’s choice
B. Back squat
Set 1: 4 reps at 60%
Set 2: 3 reps at 70%
Set 3: 2 reps at 75%
Set 4: 3 reps at 80%
Set 5: 2 reps at 85%
Set 6: 1 rep at 90%
Set 7: 2 reps AHAP
Rest 2 minutes between sets
C. 8:00 AMRAP
50-meter OH plate carry (45/25)
5 burpees to plate