Monday, May 29, 2017

2016 MURPH

052917 WOD

HOLIDAY SCHEDULE NOTICE: We will have ONE class only at 8:00 a.m. in observance of Memorial Day. Please be prompt, since workout is long.

A. Group warmup

B. Movement prep

C. “Murph”

The-MurphAlthough the true RX version of this workout is performed with 20/14# vest/armor and completed as a chipper, we encourage you to partition reps. Multiple options will be available, including Team Murph, where reps are partitioned any way (both must complete each mile run) and one person works at a time; and Half Murph, which cuts work by 50 percent.

“Murph” is a CrossFit Hero WOD named after Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28, 2005. He was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor after his death.

The workout was one of Murphy’s favorites, and he’d named it “Body Armor.” It first appeared on CrossFit mainsite Aug. 18, 2005.

>> On-Ramp

“Half Murph”

800-meter run

50 ring rows

100 push-ups

150 air squats

800-meter run


Michael Murphy’s story inspired “Lone Survivor,” a harrowing, must-see film about sacrifice and brotherhood. Watch this movie if you haven’t already!