Saturday, May 3 2017
“A smile is happiness you’ll find right under your nose.” -Tom Wilson
060317 WOD
A. AMRAP 8:00 with teams of two:
100-meter med ball carry (switch at 50)
20 med ball sit-ups (10/person)
10 partner wall ball tosses over bar
10 med ball passes (partners stand one mat in width apart)
B. Mobility / movement prep
C. For time:
400-meter run
30 burpees
400-meter run
30 pull-ups
400-meter run
30 v-ups
400-meter run
30 med ball cleans (20/14)
>> On-Ramp
For time:
200-meter run
15 burpees
200-meter run
15 ring rows
200-meter run
15 v-ups
200-meter run
15 med ball cleans / air squats