Monday, Oct. 29, 2018

We had a great time at The Fittest on the Valley held at Lahaina CrossFit on Saturday! Congratulations to all the competitors and a big thanks to all who came out to cheer, coach, and support.

Top women 40+ RX

First place: Theresa (CF UPCOUNTRY)

Second place: Joanna (ALLKINE)

Third place: Michelle (CF UPCOUNTRY)

Top mens 40+ RX

First place: Lei (808)

Second place: Eric (CF UPCOUNTRY)

Third place: Mark (not pictured) ALLKINE

Top Mens RX

First place: Jake (CF UPCOUNTRY)

Second place: Louis (ALOHA)

Third place: Zeke (CF UPCOUNTRY)

Jenna PR’d her times and smashed the thrusters

#Stronger together

102918 WOD

A. Group warmup

B. Back squat [ month 2 / week 1 ] – ADD 10# TO 1RM TO FIND NEW WW

65 x 5

75 x 5

85% x 5+

C. Five rounds FT

5 front squats (155/115)

3 muscle-ups (sub 3 strict pull-ups + 3 dips)

30 double-unders (sub 60 singles)

>>Modifications will be given