Saturday, March 30, 2019

Today is Pili’s last day on Maui. He will be moving back to Oahu to work at the Bishop Museum. Lets send him off with a fun workout! We will miss you Pili and we look forward to your visits.

033019 WOD

A. Group warmup

B. 5k row in teams (teams and number of people on teams will be up to coach)

C. 25:00 EMOM

Minute 1: 15/12 calorie row

Minute 2: 20/15 jumping back squats (45/35)

Minute 3: 12/10 calorie bike – arms only

Minute 4: 15 L-seated sit-ups with ball overhead (10/8)

Minute 5: Rest

*Score is total stations completed as written within the minute. A perfect score is 20.*