Monday, July 8, 2013
Steph gives us her happy face after completing the CrossFit “Hope” workout on Saturday. Great work to everyone who participated!
070813 WOD
A. Three rounds:
L plank 0:45
F plank 1:00
R plank 0:45
Hollow rock 0:30
Transition into each movement without dropping. Rest 1:00 between rounds.
B. Front squat
5 x 3
Build to your heaviest set of three for the day.
C. In 3:30
Run 200 meters
10 hang-power cleans (135/95)
10 toes-to-bar
ME wall balls (20/14) to 10′ target
Three rounds, resting 1:00 between each. Score is wall ball total.
The key to a successful 30 days is preparation. I will be checking in with you Monday to make sure you understand what you’re signing up for and that you are aware of the differences between generalized “paleo eating” and Whole 30.
What do you win for this challenge?
Absolutely nothing.
There’s only so much we can do as coaches to encourage you to eat healthy. Your reward will be a cleaner diet, better performance and improved aesthetics. Optimal health and fitness need to be your goal. If it’s not important enough for you to do the work, we aren’t going to bait you there. This strength has to come from within. We know you are capable of change. Why wait any longer when 30 days is all it will take.
As we are getting ready to start the challenge, I cannot emphasize enough: Please EDUCATE yourself. Click on the Whole 9 link on the right side of our homepage and visit the Whole 30 tab. It gives detailed information on what foods are and are not allowed.
STEP ONE: EDUCATE YOURSELF. Go to Whole 30. Read everything. Buy the book. Sign up for the emails. Comb through the site. Become an expert.
STEP TWO: CLEAR OUT YOUR CUPBOARDS OF CRAP. Give it away to friends, the homeless, whatever you have to do to remove the temptation.
STEP THREE: FILL THE FRIDGE/CUPBOARDS WITH WHOLE-30 APPROVED FOODS. This step definitely takes some time. It’s important to read ingredients and be sure of what you will bring into your kitchen.
STEP FOUR: MAKE A ROUGH MEAL PLAN FOR EACH WEEK. Again, preparedness is key to success. Buy Tupperwares to store leftovers. Plan ahead so you don’t get stuck without food or having to make poor food choices.
STEP FIVE: SHARE YOUR PLAN WITH A FRIEND AT THE BOX. Buddy systems are best. Find someone who is also doing this challenge and team up for meal ideas. Accountability is essential to staying strong.
Get ready, CFUM! This is going to be the best paleo challenge yet!