The Box is Jammin’! Fri, Feb 3
Record turnout this morning for the 8:00 AM class!
Welcome Jenalyn from CrossFit X in Bellingham, WA. Jenalyn just started CrossFit a few months ago before she knew she was pregnant with her second child.She stopped and checked her heart rate a few times during the WOD and said “I’m just being a good mom.” Jenalyn loves how good she is feeling during this pregnancy and is also following CrossFit Mom’s, a specific site for those who are expecting. Thanks for joining us Jenalyn.
Big weekend coming up for our box! We will be welcoming Jeff Tucker from GSX CrossFit in Forth Worth Texas. Aloha Jeff!
Only one class this Saturday at 7:30!
Group warm up: This will include a rowing clinic with our newest member Laura!
Strength: Wendler Deadlift or make up from earlier this week
Workout: For time:
20 Handstand push-ups
30 Pull-ups
40 Wall Balls
50 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods
60 Sit-ups
70 Burpees