So why do we do extra strength training when our WODs are tough enough? Well, to make it really, really simple…. it’s the intensity of this program that delivers such great results. Imagine how much greater the intensity your WODs can be when you are strong enough to do “Karen” (150 wall balls for time) with a 14 or 20 pound ball instead of an eight. In an attempt to allow more class time for mobility and skills we are adding the Power Quarter Hour to the daily line up. If you are serious about getting stronger, and therefore getting better results, come in for the new strength sessions on the schedule! Power Quarter Hour will start 15 minutes before the regular class. If you haven’t been following a strength program (Wendler, etc.) let the coaches help you get it started! A special warm up will precede your strength routine.
Power Quarter Hour:
Back Squats
Dead Hang Pull Ups
Warm Up:
Follow warm up posted on the whiteboard
Scap series
Rope climbing technique
WOD: 5 rounds for time;
1 rope ascent
15 front squats (50% of 3 rep max)
50′ OH barbell walk (using same bar)