One of our newest members also happens to be our oldest. Guus, a 78 year old retired phys ed teacher, told his doctor he was going to CrossFit to lose his gut. His doctor said “Go for it!”
The disco wasn’t my idea.
After our O-lift drills we are going to tackle an oldie but goodie.
WOD: “Cindy” AMRAP in 20 min
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
Those participating in the LEANing challenge are keeping it fun with a bantering of emails, sharing food logs, willpower weaknesses, ideas and recipes. Bodies are morphing before our eyes. We look forward to hearing the many success stories in just four more weeks.
The whiteboard warms up are working well. Come in early and tackle some of the skill sets!
WOD: AMRAP 8 minutes of
100m run
10 ring dips
Rest 4 minutes
AMRAP: 8 minutes of
100m run
10 medicine ball cleans
10 push ups
Saturday I dropped in to CrossFit Oahu to do a WOD and marvel at their awesome graffiti. Coach Courtney presented a triptych of WODs we could choose from. With much indecision I finally picked Grace. Thanks CrossFit Oahu for letting me jump in. Fabulous to finally do a WOD there. Courtney is great!
We are going back to the “Pick One” warm up board (if you are not familiar with it grab a coach and we will go over it with you) followed by skill practice for moves involved in the WODs.
WOD: “Pick Me, Pick Me” for time
Grace, Isabel, Fran and Karen are all jumping up and down yelling “Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!” Get some!
Great video to get you jacked up for Isabel or Grace. It’s long but fun to watch. It really demonstrates the speed with which these moves require and the precision necessary for the bar’s line of travel.