Thursday, January 14
Another gorgeous morning at the track. We all appreciated the breeze!
WOD, for time, 25-20-15-10-5 reps of •
200m run
- SDHP w/kettle bells
- abmat sit ups
200m run
- pull ups
- push ups
I got to join Erin for the first WOD, and we completed it together in 28:08. Erin has the greatest energy and was a good sport and hung in there till the bitter end even though she wanted to bail around the 15 rep round. What fun it was for me! Then our second group we welcomed Carrie back!!! And also welcomed her friend and newcomer, Shannon. I got to do a scaled workout with the two of them while Sheila and Karen tore up the track in 25:09 and 26:01 respectively. Great job everybody.