Monday, February 1

Get ready for the Paleo/Zone Challenge!

CrossFit works, no question. If you’ve been doing it for awhile and aren’t seeing or feeling results then you need to examine first and foremost your diet.  The Paleo diet is all about the quality of food you eat, i.e; no processed foods.  Meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts and oils only.  The Zone diet is about the quantity. You should be eating a proper balance of protein, carbohydrates and fat but in portions that provide you with sustenance only. A diet too high in carbohydrates and calories is the biggest culprit to preventing fitness gains and in losing body fat. Then you need to look at the frequency of your workouts.  CrossFit recommends 4 to 6 high intensity WODs per week.

Sign up to take the challenge for the entire month of February eating Paleo/Zone.  Details on the board and discussion before and after the workout.

Welcome Walt from CrossFit FTS in Beaverton, OR!!

Sarah B. blew us all away with her double unders and Sara T. impressed us all with her 65# thrusters!  Sara was doing air squats just two months ago…IMG_0492
