Monday, February 8

Week 2 of Paleo Challenge! As promised I will post a sampling of my diet to comments every evening.

Continuing to review the deadlift, we will also incorporate it into our WOD as today’s programing includes G (gymnastics) W (weights: lower body) and M (metabolic conditioning) Remember the CrossFit pyramid.  We will continue to incorporate more strength training in our WODs but due to the logistics of having the gear in the garage, we do our weight WODs Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  If you are interested in heavier met con days try to get to the track on Tuesdays and Thursdays or do your own workout emphasizing cardio on Saturdays.  Remember, at the track it’s not all about running. So don’t let that keep you from coming!


Tonight's delicious Paleo dinner. See comments for recipe!
Tonight's delicious Paleo dinner. See comments for recipe!


GHD sit ups

GHD back extensions

Knees to elbows


Double Unders

More jump ropes have arrived. We all agree these are the BEST! Grab one today so you can have a customized rope for your height.  Only $33 and will last forever!