Monday, March 1
Quote for the day: “You are not stuck where you are unless you decide to be.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer
100 Burpee Challenge starts today!!
Paleo Challenge Take Two also starts this first day of March. We have lots of resources for meal planning…. but the biggest key is just that: PLANNING! You are more likely to be successful if you have the groceries on hand and a clear idea of what you intend to eat at each meal. Standing in the middle of the kitchen stocked with processed foods when you are very hungry doesn’t give you much of a chance. Approach this challenge just like you do your WODs. A WIN means intending to DO something and DO it, or intending NOT TO DO something and DON’T. (Tonight I intend NOT to eat any ice cream! So I will PLAN to have some fabulous fresh fruit on hand instead!) Remember the CrossFit pyramid…. Nutrition is the key component to getting the results you desire. The next biggest part is the metabolic conditioning. Our WODs will be longer and harder this week to jump start your month.
Today’s WOD: We’ve been working hard lately on refining some of the very basic lifts like the deadlift and the clean. Today we are going to put those skills to use doing a very practical movement where we lift bags of dog food, mulch or orchid bark (depending on the weight you choose) off the ground using the bear hug clean. We are going to throw sit ups, pull ups and a sprint into the mix to make for a fun and met-con challenging WOD.
7 rounds for time:
15 GHD sit ups
10 pull ups
5 bear hug power cleans (35# bag of dog food or mulch)
25m run carrying the bag!