More great changes at the box! Monday, June 14

First and foremost…. a HUGE congratulations to our virtual coach “Coach Jor” for passing his Level I certification test yesterday in California. Way to go Jor! We knew you would do it.

Big things are happening in Hallimaile! It’s week two of the Wendler series. And today we have the first two hour Basics I class starting at 10:00. We have some great enthusiastic participants which always makes coaching so fun! Welcome newbies.

Check the warm up when you arrive and get on it! We have a lot to cover today.

Wendler strength series: Deadlift
We will have your 80%, 85% and 90% figured for you.

5 min AMRAP:
5 push press
5 box jumps
2 minute rest
5 min AMRAP
5 kettlebell swings
2 minute rest
Two laps around the warehouse
1 min rest
2 laps around the warehouse