Wednesday, August 4

Big fun in store for CrossFit UpCountry Chicks today! Yes, we are so unique! Every CrossFit box across the country is predominately male. We are the opposite. Out of 50 members there are only 3 dudes.  So we are essentially 96% babes.  And what awesome babes we are!  Doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, business owners, school teachers, retailers and domestic engineers.   And besides growing stronger and leaner everyday we are bonding ever so much more closely.  Our group of Barbell Babes are tight.  It’s been a wonderful ride so far…. So hang on! It’s only getting better…AND HARDER!!!

Warm up: check the board and get on it!

Skill: Wall ball 2 fer’s. Throw the ball and do an additional squat before you catch the ball.
More double unders practice…. gotta get em down girls. Too many WODS are a wastin” if you can’t double ’em!

Strength: It’s a Wendler Deadlift Day!

WOD: 3 minute AMRAP of:
5 SDHP (m95#/w65#)
5 thrusters (with same weight)
1 muscle up (scale to ring pull ups and dips)

Rest 1 minute and repeat for a total of four cycles

Trudy and Linda are our new Kipping Queens.
Never going back to bands. Way to go gals!
Butterfly kipping is next!