Congrats Karen! Where’s Linda? Tuesday, Sept 7
Congratulations to our very own Coach Karen
Where is Linda?
who paddled the 18 mile Lili’okalani race on the big island Saturday. Karen stroked the entire race and her 6-man outrigger canoe team came in 7th overall! Way to go Karen! On Monday she joined a crew who paddled the Alenuihaha Channel from the big island to Maui, 70-some miles. Karen, you deserve some rest days!

She hasn’t been to the track in weeks! Cuz… she’s doing her WODs in Tahiti! Wouldn’t THAT suck.
Tuesday’s workout:Warm up: Bleachers, mobility drills and hill repeats
WOD: 5 rounds for time;
- 5 DB squat thrust cleans
- 10 pull ups
DB Squat thrusts: Holding dumbbells, do a burpee without the push up. Then instead of the jump up, do a DB squat clean.