World’s Best Kite Sailor Joins Us! Mon, Oct 11

Jesse Richman, the number one kite sailor on the planet, joined us for an impromptu WOD Sunday. He loved the box so much he is enrolled in our next Basics classes that start today! Welcome Jesse!  Jesse has been the leading competitor on the world kite sailing scene for a few years now. We are honored to have him join us! Here he is playing around after a Fight Gone Bad WOD.  Even though Jesse is great at one armed pull ups, L-sits, etc., he had never done ring dips before!

And now on to our WOD:

1500 Rep WOD

10 rounds
100 jump ropes
10 burpees
10 SU
10 push ups
10 squats
10 pull ups

Scaling option 750 Rep (same 10 rounds only reps are halved)