Constantly Varied! Tues, Nov 2
Today we are totally shaking it up!! You’re going to replace your Wendler squat program for what I’ll refer to as the “20 rep squat” program.
This is an 8 week program tha
Using your 5 rep max weight as a starter, subtract 80 lbs. This will be your Day 1 back squat weight. Each day we do the 20 reps you add 5 pounds. In 8 weeks time you will be able to do 20 reps at your old 5 rep max!!! You are going to BS 20 reps in the middle of this double AMRAP. You must do these unbroken. You can stop and rest but not put the bar down.
AMRAP in 5 minutes
• 5 pull ups
• 5 ring dips
• 5 KB power snatch (each arm)
4 minute rest but include these 20 rep squats during those 4 minutes
Repeat 5 minute AMRAP above.
Yes, this is going to be one of those ass kickers. You guys love it!
We are starting the warm up right at 8:00 and 9:00 AM. Please be considerate of those who show up on time. If you miss the warm you’ll just have to do 20 burpees as a substitute.