Don’t Be A Dip Stick! Fri, Apri 15
Not making time for fitness is like neglecting to change the oil in your car. It will run for a long time on bad oil, but sooner or later the machine breaks down. It might start with the oil light or an illuminated wrench signal. The problems might be minor initially but catastrophic later. It’s as simple as it sounds. Keep up with regular maintenance and put the right fuel in the engine!
And talk about good maintenance….. Welcome back Joan from 5 B CrossFit in Hailey, ID. Joan, a good friend of our very own “Super Nova,” visited CrossFit UpCountry Maui about a year ago while still relatively new to the CrossFit scene. And now she is a well oiled machine! It was fun to hear Joan talk about how all the “kids” at her box are so nice. At 67 she is the Queen of 5 B. We are delighted she will be around for six more weeks!
In honor of Andrea gutting out this weeks Games WOD we will be doing lots and lots of burpees! Go Andrea!
AMRAP in 4 minutes:
12 KB swing
9 burpees
6 pull ups
•Rest 2 min. Repeat.
AMRAP in 4 minutes:
12 wall balls
9 GHD back extension
6 ring dips
• Rest 2 min. Repeat.