Big Week Ahead! Mon, May 16
As we prepare for our very special guest, Greg Amundson, and anticipate his fabulous Goal Setting Seminar, we will also be busy preparing for the big party Saturday night. A sign up sheet will be at the front desk for those of you offering to help with set up and food prep. Mahalo!
CrossFit founder and CEO Greg Glassman says CrossFit is successful because it’s hard—that is the nature of intensity and why so many other programs lack intensity.
“Successful people pursue hard things. Unsuccessful avoid them,” he says.
Before the workout we will establish new 1 rep max’s on the straight press.
WOD: 5 rounds for time:
200m run
15 DB push press each arm using 25% of your new 1 RM
10 DB goblet squats
5 Dead hang pull ups