Allen Has Arrived! Wed, June 1
And he went straight to work! What a treat it will be to have Coach Allen in the box all week!
Meanwhile…. Sheila writes from Copenhagen “I made up my own WOD today and did a 5 mile run around the lakes in Copenhagan at 5 am then did 5 rounds of SU, PU, and squats!” Go Sheila!
WOD: For time:
10 deadlifts (levels per whiteboard))
1 box jumps (levels per whiteboard)
9 deadlifts
2 box jumps
8 deadlifts
3 box jumps
7 deadlifts
4 box jumps
6 deadlifts
5 box jumps
5 deadlifts
6 box jumps
4 deadlifts
7 box jumps
3 deadlifts
8 box jumps
2 deadlifts
9 box jumps
1 deadlift
10 box jumps