Back By Popular Demand! FGB! Thurs, June 9
Classes will operate at normally scheduled times on Friday, the observed holiday for King Kamehameha Day.
Our world traveler, Sheila, writes to us from Prague:
“Bon Jour! We just arrived safely to Paris! We had a blast in Prague. It is an amazing city full of history and culture and it seems like everything is at least 1000 years old. This photo was taken yesterday at the Prague castle, one of the largest castles in Europe. We loved the city, the people, the food (just kidding…..we mostly stuck to Italian) the wine, and the general mood there. We are settled into our Paris apartment and will keep the photos coming.” Thanks Sheila! We love living vicariously through you!
WOD: Ever body’s favorite! Fight Gone Bad!
1 min per station. Clock does not stop. 5 rounds;
- Wall ball 20/14 (10’)
- Sumo deadlift high pull 75/55
- Box jumps
- Push press
- Row/or jump rope
- Rest