LEANing Challenge Party Thurs! Tues, Aug 9

The LEANing Challenge is coming to an end! What great results we see strutting around the box! Contestants need to submit their “after” photo to Christie tomorrow, Wednesday, by 9 PM. These photos will be kept confidential. We will award the winner at a celebration party this Thursday at 9:00 AM! Feel free to bring some goodies to share. Paleo of course, duh.

Back by popular demand…. a grueling WOD, Jonesworthy! Perhaps you missed it last time. If my memory serves me we have done this WOD twice. The first time was down at the War Memorial in the blaring hot sun and we added 3 rounds of bleachers to each round “just to break it up.” Lucky you we have no bleachers at the box!
6 rounds for time: (reps decrease each round)
Squat 80-64-50-32-16-8
KB Swings 40-32-25-16-8-4
Pull ups 20-16-12-8-4-2