And The Winner Is…. Fri, Aug 12

What a remarkable week it has been for Gabby.  Last Saturday she helped Hawaiian Canoe Club secure the state championship by winning a bronze medal in the open four.  And Thursday she was crowned the winner of the LEANing Challenge!  In just six short weeks Gabby’s transformation was the most obvious illustrated by her before and after photos. Gabby is also the one who religiously submitted her food logs every week which was one of the contest rules. Gabby’s success secured the $240 purse!  The two runners up were Ryan and Monica who’s photos both showed an amazing transformation. Monica earned a free month’s membership. Ryan leaves for college today a new man sporting a new CrossFit UpCountry Maui t-shirt that he promises to wear to the CrossFit he will join in Boulder, Colorado. It was touching to hear the three of them share their experience. They have inspired all of us for sure!  And huge kudos to Coach Christie for getting this LEANing Challenge off the ground.

Friday’s WOD:

8 x 100m sprints
Then: 5 rounds for time:
30 Double unders
20 Wall Balls
10 Burpees