HaPpY BiRthDaY JoHn! Fri, Sept 2

A huge Happy Birthday and Aloha to our friend John Lovins, from Ohio Krav Maga! John was here about this time last year and put on an excellent self-defense seminar for us along with his buddy Peter Le. John was feeling the love during Thursday’s WOD because he did 100 thrusters in the hotel gym Wednesday with 40# dumbbells.  John and some of his friends will join us tomorrow for the 31 Heroes WOD. We are also coordinating a small informal Olympic lifting clinic while John is here.  Be sure to inquire if you are interested.

Please sign up in advance for classes. You will notice that you must be a current member to hold a spot. Reservations will soon be required…. and new classes are coming to alleviate the overflowing box!

The warm up will start punctually at the top of the hour!
Foam rolling and mobility work
Wendler: Bench
Weighted Pull-Up: In six attempts or less, find your 1-RM Weighted Pull-Up.
GHD sit ups for max reps

WOD: 4 rounds for time:
50 double unders or (150 singles)
25 OH walking lunges (w/bumper plate)
12 dead hang chin ups

Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you greater than any obstacle.  -Christian D. Larson