Box is Closed on Labor Day, Sept 5

There will be no classes Monday morning. As promised, here are a few ideas for those of you who cannot bare the thought of taking another rest day!

3 rounds of:
100m sprint, Rest same amount of time you finished the sprint
200m sprint, Rest same amount of time you finished the sprint
300m sprint, Rest same amount of time you finished the sprint
(Source: Crossfit Endurance)

0:45 sprint, 0:45 recover
1:30 sprint, 1:30 recover
3:00 sprint, 3:00 recover
6:00 sprint, 6:00 recover
3:00 sprint, 3:00 recover
1:30 sprint, 1:30 recover
0:45 sprint, 0:45 recover
(Source: Crossfit Endurance)

1 round Tabata uphill sprints (20:10 x 8) or on treadmill 12% grade
(Source: Crossfit Endurance)

Painstorm XXIV
Run 100m
50 burpees
Run 200m
100 pushups
Run 300m
150 walking lunges
Run 400m
200 squats
Run 300m
150 walking lunges
Run 200m
100 pushups
Run 100m
50 burpees
(Source: CF London / CF Central Scotland / BrandX CF)

Ivan the Terrible
90 seconds of jumping rope
50 lunges
50 pushups
50 situps
90 seconds of jumping rope
40 lunges
40 pushups
40 situps
90 seconds of jumping rope
30 lunges
30 pushups
30 situps
90 seconds of jumping rope
20 lunges
20 pushups
20 situps
90 seconds of jumping rope
10 lunges
10 pushups
10 situps
(Source: Ian Carver)