What A Guy! Wed, 10/19


There will be only ONE class this Saturday morning at 7:30 AM!
Kinsey will launch her “Paleolithic Living” series at 8:30 AM.
The three part series runs every other Saturday thru Nov 19.
Don’t miss it! Register at the desk. $10/class or $25 for the series.

Notice the spanky clean floors? (Well, kind of…) Guus brought his blower in and blew the place inside out. Thank you Guus. His progress is amazing, BTW. Have you noticed his squats lately?

Warm Up:
Do what Adam tells you to do
Do what Adam shows you to do
WOD: For time;
800m run
Then 3 rounds of:
10 dips (w/feet elevated)
15 Toes-to-bar
20 KB swings (50/35) or scale down
800m run